New materials
Heating hydraulic Presses is a specialized equipment for new materials such as carbon fiber and glass fiber composite materials.
Aerospace components: The aerospace industry and model aircraft drones, among others, use carbon fiber to create components critical for weight reduction, including wings, fuselage sections, tail surfaces and interior components.
Sporting Goods: Including bicycle frames, tennis rackets, golf clubs, fishing rods, and high-end helmets, among others.
The renewable energy sector: Including wind turbine blades, solar panel frames, hydroelectric turbines, tidal and wave energy converters and other support structures and mounting systems.
Medical Devices: Including prosthetic limbs, surgical instruments, and imaging equipment components.
Daily consumer products: including computer protective cases and phone cases, glasses, suitcases, keychains, commemorative coins and game tokens, musical instruments, etc. Heating hydraulic Presses and new materials like carbon fiber have a wide range of applications.
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