Stamping presses plays a vital role in the manufacturing and packaging of semiconductor devices. It can produce these semiconductor components with high precision and low cost. For example:
Lead Frames: Constructs the metal lead frame structure within semiconductor packaging, providing electrical connections between the silicon chip and external package leads.
Interconnects: It is used to form interconnects, which are metal pieces that electrically connect different parts of a semiconductor device.
Heat Sinks: It can be used to manufacture heat sinks, allowing for complex designs that improve heat dissipation efficiency.
Shielding Components: Used in RF (Radio Frequency) and microwave applications to create shielding elements. These components protect sensitive parts of the device from electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Components: It is also employed to create enclosures and MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) device components.
Flexible Printed Circuits (FPC): It is sometimes used in the production of FPCs, which are used to electrically connect and mechanically support components. This process can create the conductive tracks on the flexible substrate of the circuit.
Wafer-level Packaging: It is also developed for wafer-level packaging, where semiconductor devices are packaged at the wafer level before individual chips are diced. This enables the formation of redistribution layers or underfill dispensing.
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